Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring chickens!

This is the latest adventure that we're working on. We picked up a dozen chickens 2 weeks ago and have been enjoying watching them grow and all their crazy antics. I never knew chickens were so playful! We are taking our next step toward having our own small homestead (and being more Amish like!) We're going to try and keep some to lay eggs year round and butcher a handful for meat in a few months. Cheers to a new adventure!


Heather said...

How AWESOME! I'm totally jealous. They are cute and I hope that things go really well for you. And you become the type who raise tons of birds and then sell them to your friends :)

Jackie said...

It's been really entertaining so far. Ryan's doing a great job taking care of them. We just hope the dogs don't bother them too much...Ryan's working on training them to leave the birds alone :)